Decaffeinated coffee

A selection of decaffeinated Caffé L'Antico coffees.

Caffé L'Antico is an Italian coffee with a long tradition. It is the flagship of the family roaster Industria Torrefazione Caffé from Modena, Italy. The roastery is proud of its more than 110-year history and thus also the experience proven by generations. The basic characteristics of their coffees are the emphasis on the selection of the best beans, the balance of flavors and the traditional way of roasting.


lantico kava pod bezkofeinu web
L'Antico POD bez kofeinu 38 ks
Sofort lieferbar (68 Verpackung)
PF 5601
(€14,25 ohne MwSt.)
bezkofeinu nova
Decaffeinato 250 g
Sofort lieferbar (7 St)
PF 3020
(€8,83 ohne MwSt.)
bezkofeinu nova
Decaffeinato - zrno 250 g
Sofort lieferbar (1 St)
PF 3021
(€8,83 ohne MwSt.)
bezkofeinova sacek
L'Antico bez kofeinu porcovaná mletá
Sofort lieferbar (2 box)
PF 3040
(€36,93 ohne MwSt.)
4 Artikel insgesamt
bezkofeinu nova
Decaffeinato 250 g
Sofort lieferbar (7 St)
€8,83 ohne MwSt.

Směs bezkofeinové kávy Arabica a Robusta s intenzivní vůní a harmonickou chutí. Pro každý moment dne.

PF 3020
bezkofeinu nova
Decaffeinato - zrno 250 g
Sofort lieferbar (1 St)
€8,83 ohne MwSt.

Směs bezkofeinové kávy Arabica a Robusta s intenzivní vůní a harmonickou chutí. Pro každý moment dne.

PF 3021
bezkofeinova sacek
€36,93 ohne MwSt.
PF 3040
lantico kava pod bezkofeinu web
L'Antico POD bez kofeinu 38 ks
Sofort lieferbar (68 Verpackung)
€14,25 ohne MwSt.

Porcovaná mletá káva bez kofeinu. Směs 90/10.

PF 5601
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